September 28, 2009

Chicken Goes Dutch

Since the newly purchased dutch oven needs to earn it's keep, it was put into service again.  This go around was chicken. 

The recipe that I chose to experiment with was one that I found on one of my favorite blogs - 66 square feet.  I love this blog.  It chronicles life and times in THE big city - New York of course!  It intrigues me that a city dweller can produce food on a rooftop garden.  I would love to do it.  So that was the initial interest but beyond that it is diverse, informative and well written.  I sense a woman of character.

So, here we, first let's discuss vermouth.  This recipe called for a bunch of it.  Obviously I have heard of it before but had no idea - zero - of what exactly it is.  So since "Goodsearch" is my friend (Google's cousin but it donates money to worthy causes for your searches and shopping) I found out that it is a quasi-wine with herbs added.  K.

So here is what it looked like.....

The recipe called for whole chicken but I chose split breasts.  Legs will never be eaten in this house.

Chicken with potatoes, grapes, tarragon and other aromatics.

At the last minute I had some patty pan squash that needed to be used so I threw that in too.
De.light.ful!  Check out the recipe here.


Coloradolady said...

Maureen, thanks for stopping by and commenting on my crazy post...

You know, I have struggled with weight the last 10 years of my has been a real challenge. I saw a nutritionist 3 years ago and was well on my way of losing the weight, had lost 35 lbs...felt great....and then...because I thought I could, started eating out again, cooking my beloved family favorites and now I find myself at the top of the scale I have ever seen.

I just started back with her...I have a recipe book, strict diet...and thought about doing just as you suggested....either doing a weight loss blog, or just take a day of the week for followups, posting the diet, recipes, what works and does not work..for me that is.

It is just getting the nerve to be honest and put it out there...ya know!! I have me thinking others could benefit of my husbands hard earned monies spent in her office!!

Coloradolady said...

Oppsss.......sorry, not diet...."Lifestyle Change"

Slap my fingers!!!

Unknown said...

oooohhhhh yuuuuummmm! Thank you for sharing this delightful recipe!