November 12, 2009

Fall at the Mill – Out and About

Not much to say.  Just a few pretty pictures from a lovely Fall day.   (Taken Nov 12, 2009)

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November 11, 2009

Kreativ Blogger - The Good, The Bad and The Silly

I would like to thank Lori E. of  Family Trees May Contain Nuts (Don't you just love that name!  What a hoot!) for passing this award along to me.   This is the second time that I have received an award (the first was in my other blog)  and I have to say it was a surprise both times.   I'm still not quite sure why but I don't mind playing.  

  1. I became a mother for the first time on my birthday.
  2. I am very quiet and  I'm fairly certain that I am incapable of yelling.  Just don't have it in me.
  3. Contrary to #2, when I get together with a good friend, I am quite the chatterbox.
  4. One day I hope  to swim with dolphins.  That would be an absolute thrill.
  5. If I wet one hand, I have to wet the other.  I know!  So Silly!  A tad OCD perhaps.  And it doesn't end there.  The daughter mentioned is #1 is the same!
  6. I used to be extremely shy.  But that was then, and this is now.  Not so shy anymore.
  7. Karma is a powerful thing.  I firmly believe that "you get what you give" in life. 
Now I'm supposed to pass this along to seven other bloggers.  Thing is, I did this last week in my other blog and I don't want to inundate anyone so I will wait a little bit to do it.   I hope the blogger bogey man doesn't haul me off to jail!

November 6, 2009

Exploring My Neighboring Towns - Wrentham

Last week I was out and about enjoying the colors of the season and came upon a little farm in the neighboring town of Wrentham.  Several times I had been tempted to buy my pumpkins from the grocery store (chain) but repeatedly resisted.  It means far more to a local farmer that I buy from them.  So in a very haphazard way I found Adams Farm.  As a matter of fact, I am assuming that I was in Wrentham MA.  Actually factually, I may have been in Cumberland RI.  Either way my intention was well meaning and mission accomplished.  So here are a few pictures from my meandering trip.

Wrentham farm Pretty New England Barn

Wrentham cow
Perhaps the farm guard?  He looks like he means business.

Wrentham goats These were some good looking goats.  Look!  A Dalmatian!

Wrentham turkeys These guys were just traipsing along the side of the road.

Wrentham horse 2
A horse in the field.  Just doing her thing.

Wrentham horse 1 What a beauty!  If I am not mistaken, she is getting her winter coat.

Wrentham trees The waning days of Fall.

November 1, 2009

My Snake Gourd

I may not have had one single tomato sandwich from my garden this summer but I did have this.....

Isn't he sweet?  Just in time for Halloween!
Grown from seed too!