January 17, 2010

Squirrels – I Beg to Differ

From personal experience I have found that most people think of squirrels as a nuisance.   Granted I don’t particularly like it when they dig up my bulbs.  But there’s a quick fix – cayenne pepper!  No biggie! 

Now this might be hard for some to believe but I kind of admire them.  I look at it this way.  They are some of the hardest working critters around.  Constantly preparing for tomorrow.  An honorable trait in a person.  So why is it not so with a squirrel?
And when the odd black or white squirrel comes along, well people love them.  So in defense of l’il ole grey squirrels I will say that I like having them around.  They add interest and livelihood to the great outdoors.  At least they do in my outdoor life.

January 15, 2010

A Taste of Spring - Vintage Seed Catalog

The Original Victory Gardens

I love old seed catalogs.  This is one of my favorites.  A Salzer Seed Catalog from 1941!

Salzer cover
The pictures have that beautiful vintage look but more interesting is that this catalog is dated January 2, 1941 putting it at a very important time in history - the midst of WW 2.  The era of the original Victory Garden. Within the pages there is a letter from the president of Salzer Seeds, Mr. Kenneth E. Salzer, encouraging Americans to plant gardens to help their country. You should read it.  It's really cool. (Click on the images to enlarge for reading / viewing.)

If you read this letter from the president you have to get the sense that life is coming full circle.  Moving back to eating local.

Salzer flowers 1
Salzer flowers 2
Salzer veggies
Purty, huh?   Spring is in the air!  OK - so I'm exaggerating.  Let's just call it a burst of color on a drabby winter day.

I am joining Tootsie’s Fertilizer Friday so check it out.  There’s always lots of pretties!


January 8, 2010

Unexpected Pretties - Fertilizer Friday

I read (and love) Tootsie’s blog but I’ve never participated in  Fertilizer Friday before so I’m the new (albeit old) kid in town.  I am not fortunate enough to live in a sunny house so I have to dig into my photos from last season.

Do you recognize this?
Leek Scape
Notice on the lower right that a second bloom is bursting from it’s papery covering.

They were cut from these.LeeksLeeks!

I now know why leeks are so expensive.  These were planted in the spring of 2008 and over wintered in the garden into 2009.  I had no idea they would take so long to grow!   Oy....patience is a virtue.

So in addition to the scrumptious Potato Leek Soup that was made, a bouquet was born!  Waste not, want not.

Hydrangea bouquet

That is my contribution to Fertilizer Friday for this week.  I would love to be contributing something that is “live ‘n kicking” but that is still months away.   Visit Tootsie’s blog where there are sure to be plenty.

P.S.  I am renovating my blog so please bear with me.